I've got the courage to confess my feelings to the girl of my dreams! But, she was easily shot down. Still, he couldn't give up, so he lied to her, saying, "Actually, I have only three months to live..." to win her sympathy, and begged her to have sex wit
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- Title
- I've got the courage to confess my feelings to the girl of my dreams! But, she was easily shot down. Still, he couldn't give up, so he lied to her, saying, "Actually, I have only three months to live..." to win her sympathy, and begged her to have sex wit
- Original Title
- 憧れのあの子に勇気を出して告白!でも、あっさり撃沈(つд-。)それでも諦めきれなくて「実は俺、余命3ヶ月なんだ…」と嘘をつき同情を買い、死ぬ前にエッチをしたいと懇願!「素股までなら」と約束したが我慢できずに挿入すると…
- Price
- 210JPY〜
- Distribution
- Nov 3 2017
- Rating
- 4.60 (based on 5 reviews)