Kasumi Tanimura makes her AV debut. She is a 26-year-old OL working in Tokyo. Despite her flashy appearance, she has only had one sexual partner and has a shy and reserved personality. After breaking up with her college boyfriend three years ago, she couldn't bear the lack of sex in her life and decided to appear in AV.

Kasumi Tanimura makes her AV debut. She is a 26-year-old OL working in Tokyo. Despite her flashy appearance, she has only had one sexual partner and has a shy and reserved personality. After breaking up with her college boyfriend three years ago, she couldn't bear the lack of sex in her life and decided to appear in AV.



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Kasumi Tanimura makes her AV debut. She is a 26-year-old OL working in Tokyo. Despite her flashy appearance, she has only had one sexual partner and has a shy and reserved personality. After breaking up with her college boyfriend three years ago, she couldn't bear the lack of sex in her life and decided to appear in AV.
Original Title
谷村架純(たにむらかすみ) AV debut 都内勤務のOL26歳。営業職で月間セールス1位を何度も獲得したことがあるヤリ手キャリアウーマン。派手な見た目とは裏腹に男性経験は1人でウブな性格。学生時代の彼と別れてから3年、SEXがない生活に耐えられずAV出演を決意。
Feb 7 2019
3.60 (based on 5 reviews)

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