SODstar 41sex + 77min. of last sex not yet released 24hours BEST - Marina Shiraishi
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- Title
- SODstar 41sex + 77min. of last sex not yet released 24hours BEST - Marina Shiraishi
- Original Title
- 【6枚組】SODstar 41SEX+未公開ラストSEX 77分収録 24時間BEST 白石茉莉奈
- Price
- 300JPY〜
- Distribution
- Mar 10 2020
- Rating
- 3.64 (based on 22 reviews)
- Highest Rank
#26 (Aug 2 2021)
Integrating the comments, it is said that this work is satisfying in its volume and variety. Marina Shiraishi's cuteness and the size of her nipples, which is her charm, have attracted much attention. On the other hand, the size of the mosaic has been cited as a disadvantage, and some have called for improvements in price and mosaic. Overall, however, this is a work that can be recommended if you are looking for an actress.