With the best physical compatibility, convenience store part-time housewife Ms. M can make me ejaculate at least three times even in a short two-hour meeting.

With the best physical compatibility, convenience store part-time housewife Ms. M can make me ejaculate at least three times even in a short two-hour meeting.

The shocking content is here! MINAMO, a housewife leading a mundane life with her husband, embarks on a journey of sexy pleasure after a one-night mistake with a student named Aoi that she met at a convenience store. This work showcases MINAMO's charm, and her sensuality and skills are truly top-notch! Especially, her moans and expressions have received overwhelming praise. The convenience store clerk's outfit also adds to the allure, although I personally felt that the choice of panties was a bit too flashy. Nevertheless, this work is undeniably the most erotic to date, and if you're hesitant, you should definitely buy it. It's a must-see title!



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With the best physical compatibility, convenience store part-time housewife Ms. M can make me ejaculate at least three times even in a short two-hour meeting.
Original Title
体の相性が最高なコンビニパート主婦Mさんとは休憩2時間のショートタイム密会でも最低3回は射精(だ)せる MINAMO
Feb 13 2024
4.15 (based on 13 reviews)
Highest Rank

#34 (Aug 31 2024)

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