A part-time housewife T, who is a 'beauty', has a 'hidden erotic body', and is 'sexually frustrated', met in a convenient store part-time job, is the ideal spot for fulfilling sexual desires, all thanks to Ami Tsuzuki.

A part-time housewife T, who is a 'beauty', has a 'hidden erotic body', and is 'sexually frustrated', met in a convenient store part-time job, is the ideal spot for fulfilling sexual desires, all thanks to Ami Tsuzuki.

This work, 'Kiss, It Happened!', is simply breathtaking! It portrays Ami, who is having a troubled relationship with her husband, as she liberates her instincts through a stimulating relationship with university student Kameda at her part-time job. The side glances during kisses and the slightly open lips are irresistible! The lewd sounds also add an accent to the experience, making it inevitable that you'll want to watch it again. Ms. Tsuzuki's amazing body and the perspective from low angles completely knock you out. The way she gradually becomes more proactive as she is desired by younger men is also compelling as drama. Additionally, the naturalness in the acting stands out, and the scenes unfolding with feelings of guilt are wonderful. The ending surprised me, but it’s a good surprise! However, I must say, it’s a shame that there haven't been any new releases lately. I really hope Ms. Tsuzuki continues her activities moving forward!



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A part-time housewife T, who is a 'beauty', has a 'hidden erotic body', and is 'sexually frustrated', met in a convenient store part-time job, is the ideal spot for fulfilling sexual desires, all thanks to Ami Tsuzuki.
Original Title
「美人」「隠れエロボディ」「欲求不満」三拍子揃ったパート主婦Tさんと出会えたコンビニバイトはヤリたいほーだい挿れ喰い状態の神スポット 都築亜美
Oct 3 2023
4.55 (based on 22 reviews)

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