We were so lustful for my brother, who had transformed into a slender beauty, that we lost our conflicted feelings and intertwined with each other as if we were devouring each other. Hikari Tamaki

We were so lustful for my brother, who had transformed into a slender beauty, that we lost our conflicted feelings and intertwined with each other as if we were devouring each other. Hikari Tamaki



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We were so lustful for my brother, who had transformed into a slender beauty, that we lost our conflicted feelings and intertwined with each other as if we were devouring each other. Hikari Tamaki

We were so lustful for my brother, who had transformed into a slender beauty, that we lost our conflicted feelings and intertwined with each other as if we were devouring each other. Hikari Tamaki
Original Title
スレンダー美女に変貌した弟に欲情した俺たちは葛藤に負け貪るように兄弟で絡み合った。 玉城ひかり
Sep 10 2021
4.60 (based on 5 reviews)