In post-war Japan during the Showa era, a widow strives to live, entangled with men in a rural village, experiencing the tragic fate of a woman. The intertwining relationships with a lecherous postman and a dominating brother-in-law, along with emotional entanglements with her husband’s comrade in the war. Shoda Chisato

In post-war Japan during the Showa era, a widow strives to live, entangled with men in a rural village, experiencing the tragic fate of a woman. The intertwining relationships with a lecherous postman and a dominating brother-in-law, along with emotional entanglements with her husband’s comrade in the war. Shoda Chisato



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In post-war Japan during the Showa era, a widow strives to live, entangled with men in a rural village, experiencing the tragic fate of a woman. The intertwining relationships with a lecherous postman and a dominating brother-in-law, along with emotional entanglements with her husband’s comrade in the war. Shoda Chisato

In post-war Japan during the Showa era, a widow strives to live, entangled with men in a rural village, experiencing the tragic fate of a woman. The intertwining relationships with a lecherous postman and a dominating brother-in-law, along with emotional entanglements with her husband’s comrade in the war. Shoda Chisato
Original Title
昭和 戦後の日本で懸命に生きる未亡人 田舎村で男たちに翻弄される哀しき女の性 助平な郵便屋の男・強引な義兄とのまぐわい・夫の戦地での同志 翔田千里
Jun 22 2024
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