Content warning: This AV film is about a part-time worker who got a super cute JK girlfriend at a cram school. One day, the protagonist was discovered by DQN senior from the neighboring town, who then demanded him to bring his girlfriend next time. Reluctantly, the protagonist brought his beloved girlfriend to the hangout spot of the DQN, and this is the story of that day. Starring: Natsuki Airi

Content warning: This AV film is about a part-time worker who got a super cute JK girlfriend at a cram school. One day, the protagonist was discovered by DQN senior from the neighboring town, who then demanded him to bring his girlfriend next time. Reluctantly, the protagonist brought his beloved girlfriend to the hangout spot of the DQN, and this is the story of that day. Starring: Natsuki Airi



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Content warning: This AV film is about a part-time worker who got a super cute JK girlfriend at a cram school. One day, the protagonist was discovered by DQN senior from the neighboring town, who then demanded him to bring his girlfriend next time. Reluctantly, the protagonist brought his beloved girlfriend to the hangout spot of the DQN, and this is the story of that day. Starring: Natsuki Airi
Original Title
胸糞注意 パシリな僕に予備校で超可愛いJKの彼女が出来たのですが先日それを隣町のDQN鰐口先輩に見つかってしまって今度オメーの彼女連れてこいやと言われて仕方なくDQNの溜まり場に大事な彼女を連れていった時の話です なつめ愛莉
Dec 10 2016
4.31 (based on 13 reviews)