Kirara Asuka, a young actor and a wealthy businessman, is seduced by two handsome men in private, and the two have sex with each other in a love triangle. This special exposes the flamboyant private life of a woman in love!

Kirara Asuka, a young actor and a wealthy businessman, is seduced by two handsome men in private, and the two have sex with each other in a love triangle. This special exposes the flamboyant private life of a woman in love!



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Kirara Asuka, a young actor and a wealthy businessman, is seduced by two handsome men in private, and the two have sex with each other in a love triangle. This special exposes the flamboyant private life of a woman in love!

Kirara Asuka, a young actor and a wealthy businessman, is seduced by two handsome men in private, and the two have sex with each other in a love triangle. This special exposes the flamboyant private life of a woman in love!
Original Title
Jun 3 2017
3.38 (based on 8 reviews)
Highest Rank

#48 (Jun 10 2017)