Newcomer No.1 STYLE Mitsuha Asuha AVDebut

Newcomer No.1 STYLE Mitsuha Asuha AVDebut

The charm of Ashitaba Mitsuha can be summed up in one word: the perfect balance of her profile and her personality. She has a tall, slender figure with beautiful bust and buttocks, yet speaks with a charming accent that adds to her cuteness. Her eroticism is particularly evident from behind, and she creates a beautiful silhouette in any position. Her sensitivity and moans are also attractive, and her dildo techniques are outstanding. Furthermore, her natural makeup enhances her beauty so much that it makes you want to give her a facial. There are high expectations for her future work, and I would like to see her in roles such as a female teacher or a female boss. Ashitaba Mitsuha has the potential to become a big star.


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Newcomer No.1 STYLE Mitsuha Asuha AVDebut
Original Title
新人NO.1 STYLE 明日葉みつはAVDebut
Jul 7 2023
4.72 (based on 72 reviews)
Highest Rank

#2 (Jul 8 2023)

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