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Unlimited insertion with anyone! Underground Idol Edition: At live venues, purchasing a certain amount of merchandise entitles you to the special bonus of unlimited touching and insertion with the idol on the spot!

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だれとでも定額挿れ放題!地下アイドル編 ライブ会場でグッズを一定額購入すると特典として、その場でアイドルに触り放題!挿れ放題!!

Unlimited insertion with anyone! Underground Idol Edition: At live venues, purchasing a certain amount of merchandise entitles you to the special bonus of unlimited touching and insertion with the idol on the spot!
Original Title
だれとでも定額挿れ放題!地下アイドル編 ライブ会場でグッズを一定額購入すると特典として、その場でアイドルに触り放題!挿れ放題!!
Jul 7 2023
4.63 (based on 19 reviews)
Highest Rank

#38 (Dec 20 2023)

This work fully conveys the charm of underground idols. It vividly portrays how their popularity skyrocketed due to a system introduced by the manager. Additionally, the excitement of special benefits for purchasing goods at their live performances adds tension to the plot. It's a compelling piece that raises expectations for a sequel.

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